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دانلود کتابهای پزشکی، ژنتیک، بیولوژی | قدرت گرفته از بیان

اطلس رنگی آناتومی حیوانات کوچک- مفاهیم ضروری Color Atlas of Small Animal Anatomy: The Essentials

اطلس رنگی آناتومی حیوانات کوچک- مفاهیم ضروری  Color Atlas of Small Animal Anatomy: The Essentials

همه دسته بندی های سایت

فهرست مطالب اطلس رنگی آناتومی حیوانات کوچک- مفاهیم ضروری:

 Section 1.
The Dog.
Plate 1.1 Lateral view of the dog (Beagle).
Plate 1.2 Lateral view of the bitch (Retriever).
Plate 1.3 Body regions.
Plate 1.4 Skeleton.
Plate 1.5 Cutaneous muscles and major fasciae the dog.
Plate 1.6 Superficial muscles of the bitch.
Plate 1.7 Deep muscles of the dog.
Plate 1.8 Deep cervical muscles, major joints, and in situ viscera of the bitch.
Plate 1.9 Paraxial view of the third digit.
Plate 1.10 Palmar views of the major structures of the forepaw; plantar view of the major structures of the hidpaw.
Plate 1.11 Median section of the head, and dentition.
Plate 1.12 The eye and accessory ocular structures.
Plate 1.13 The nose.
Plate 1.14 The ear.
Plate 1.15 Mouth and tongue and esophagus.
Plate 1.16 Ventral view of the abdomen and its structures.
Plate 1.17 Large intestine, anus and anal sacs.
Plate 1.18 Body cavities and serous membranes.
Plate 1.19 Thoracic, abdominal and pelvic viscera related to the skeleton of the dog.
Plate 1.20 Thoracic, abdominal and pelvic viscera, and mammary glands of the bitch.
Plate 1.21 Hip joint.
Plate 1.22 Location of major endocrine organs.
Plate 1.23 Relations of the reproductive organs of the dog.
Plate 1.24 Relations of the reproductive organs of the bitch.
Plate 1.25 Major veins.
Plate 1.26 Major arteries.
Plate 1.27 Lymph nodes and vessels.
Plate 1.28 Central and somatic nervous system.
Plate 1.29 Autonomic nervous system.
Plate 1.30 Brain, dorsal, ventral and lateral views.
Section 2.
The Cat.
Plate 2.1 Lateral view of the male cat (Moggie-nonpedigree).
Plate 2.2 Lateral view of the female cat (Persian).
Plate 2.3 Endocrine organs and lymph nodes.
Plate 2.4 Skeleton.
Plate 2.5 Cutaneous muscles and major fasciae of the male.
Plate 2.6 Superficial muscles of the female.
Plate 2.7 Middle muscles and in situ viscera of the male.
Plate 2.8 Deep muscles and in situ viscera of the female.
Plate 2.9 Median section of the head, and dentition.
Plate 2.10 Oral cavity, tongue, pharynx and esophagus.
Plate 2.11 The external, middle, and inter ear.
Plate 2.12 The eye and accessory ocular structures.
Plate 2.13 Isolated stomach and intestines.
Plate 2.14 Large intestine, anus and anal sacs.
Plate 2.15 Superficial and deep structures of the paw (foot) lateral view.
Plate 2.16 Plantar views of the major structures of forepaw and hindpaw.
Plate 2.17 Thoracic, abdominal and pelvic viscera related to the skeleton of the male.
Plate 2.18 Thoracic, abdominal and pelvic viscera, related to the skeleton of the female.
Plate 2.19 Relations of the reproductive organs of the male.
Plate 2.20 Relations of the reproductive organs of the female.
Plate 2.21 Major veins.
Plate 2.22 Major arteries.
Plate 2.23 Central and peripheral nervous system.
Plate 2.24 Brain, dorsal, ventral and lateral views.
Section 3.
The Rabbit.
Plate 3.1 Lateral view.
Plate 3.2 Body regions.
Plate 3.3 Skeleton.
Plate 3.4 Endocrine organs and lymph nodes.
Plate 3.5 Superficial muscles of the male.
Plate 3.6 Deep muscles of the female.
Plate 3.7 Median section of the rabbit’s head and dentition.
Plate 3.8 Oral cavity, tongue, pharynx and esophagus.
Plate 3.9 Thoracic, abdominal and pelvic viscera (in situ) of the male.
Plate 3.10 Thoracic, abdominal and pelvic viscera (in situ) of the female.
Plate 3.11 Relations of the reproductive organs of the male.
Plate 3.12 Relations of the reproductive organs of the female.
Plate 3.13 Central and peripheral nervous system.
Plate 3.14 Brain, dorsal, ventral, and lateral views.
Section 4.
The Rat.
Plate 4.1 Lateral view.
Plate 4.2 Skeleton of the rat.
Plate 4.3 Superficial muscles of the male.
Plate 4.4 Deep and middle muscles of the female.
Plate 4.5 Median section of the head and dentition.
Plate 4.6 Ventral view of abdominal structures (in situ) and diagram of digestive system.
Plate 4.7 Thoracic, abdominal and pelvic viscera related to the skeleton of the male.
Plate 4.8 Thoracic, abdominal and pelvic viscera, related to the skeleton of the female.
Plate 4.9 Relations of the reproductive organs of the male.
Plate 4.10 Relations of the reproductive organs of the female.
Plate 4.11 Spinal nerves.
Plate 4.12 Autonomic nerves.
Plate 4.13 Brain, dorsal, ventral, and lateral views.
Plate 4.14 Brian, sagittal section, and detail of midbrain.
Section 5.
The Guinea Pig.
Plate 5.1 Lateral view.
Plate 5.2 Skeleton.
Plate 5.3 Superficial muscles of the male.
Plate 5.4 Deep and middle muscles of the female.
Plate 5.5 Median section of the head and dentition.
Plate 5.6 Ventral view of abdominal structures (in situ) and diagram of digestive system.
Plate 5.7 Thoracic, abdominal and pelvic viscera related to the skeleton of the male.
Plate 5.8 Thoracic, abdominal and pelvic viscera, and mammary glands of the female.
Plate 5.9 Relations of the reproductive organs of the male.
Plate 5.10 Relations of the reproductive organs of the female.
Plate 5.11 Central and peripheral nervous system.
Plate 5.12 Brain dorsal, ventral, and lateral views

مشخصات فایل


اطلس رنگی آناتومی حیوانات کوچک- مفاهیم ضروری

Color Atlas of Small Animal Anatomy: The Essentials

نام فایل: 324-www.geneprotocols.ir-Color Atlas of Small Animal Anatomy_ The Essentials-Wiley-Blackwell (2008).pdf
ایجاد کننده: Thomas O. McCracken, Robert A. Kainer
زبان: انگلیسی
سال انتشار: 2008
شابک (ISBN):
نوع سند: اطلس
فرمت: pdf
حجم فایل: 57 مگابایت
تعداد صفحات: 160
قیمت اصلی: 66.00 دلار
قیمت ژنـ پروتکل: 100000 ریال (ده هزار تومان)

تمامی درگاه های پرداخت ژنـ پروتکل توسط شرکت دانش بنیان نکست پی پشتیبانی می شود. نکست پی دارای مجوز رسمی پرداختیاری به شماره 1971/ص/98 ، از شرکت شاپرک و بانک مرکزی جمهوری اسلامی ایران و دارای نماد اعتماد در حوزه (متمرکزکنندگان پرداخت) از مرکز توسعه تجارت الکترونیکی وزارت صنعت معدن و تجارت است.

    تمامی نظرات و پیشنهادات شما توسط مدیران و مسئول سایت بررسی و رسیدگی می شوند. بسیاری از اصلاحات انجام شده در سایت طبق نظرات و پیشنهادات شما مخاطبان عزیز صورت گرفته است.
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